Flaw to Fab ~ Angel Wings!



So I totally cut out this top without even thinking about the unbalanced stripes.  I was pretty disappointed and thought that it was a done deal, especially since I have a personal sewing pet peeve about matching stripes and only had minimal yardage of the fabric to start off with. I really liked the fabric so I pondered over a solution, the challenge: how do I change the perception of continuous flowing stripes? Out of no where, the solution: ruffles came to mind.  A creative distraction, if you will, the birth of my “Angel Wings” ruffles.


I’m sure this is how a number of fashion designs happen by trial and error.  But wait, my resolution still was not complete. As I scanned my fabric stash for navy or green fabric to construct the ruffle design, I came up empty handed. I was determined this top was going to get completed! So I remembered I had recently bagged some items to be given away. And wha-la a pair of navy pants was in the bundle. I pulled those suckers out, removed the stitches and navy fabric was now at my disposal! I guess you can see my projects become my babies and I find joy in bringing them to life. The  “Angel Wing” ruffle was constructed out of a navy crepe and off-white cotton (used what I had).

The simple lesson here, give your project another thought. Turn your Flaws to Fabulous, you never know what idea an Angel may give you 🙂



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